Equestrian Wellness: How Can I Help You?

Posted by Megan Maxwell on

In our continued effort to provide resources to our equestrian community we have partnered with Valerie Breslow of Equestrian Wellness. Valerie is a holistic nutritionist  + wellness coach and an amateur rider. In 2016, after coaching clients into optimal health for 12 years, Valerie decided to combine both of her passions and focus on the equestrian community that she loves. 

The best athletes know it takes several coaches with niche knowledge to stay competitive. As an Equestrian Wellness coach, Valerie plays an integral role in helping her clients prepare for their best lives- in and out of the ring.  


Valerie Breslow

What a great question! Those five little words that are spoken the moment you walk into any brick and mortar shop. Sometimes I find them comforting. Other times I find them to be annoying like a gnat buzzing around my head. Then there are times when it’s just a loaded question waiting for a response like why yes, can you please take a look at my to-do list and just take care of it all for me? And then there are times when you really need someone to listen to you so you can share your deepest vulnerabilities.

We’ve all been there. We’re often so overwhelmed by our schedules, to do lists and obligations that we forget to take care of ourselves. And, on top of that, we have so much information coming at us from a multitude of directions that we simply feel lost, behind and frankly, inadequate at making it all work. What’s even worse, in spite of the fact that many of us know to hire trainers to help us ride and to help us train in the gym, many of us don’t want to ask for help when it comes to our health & wellness. After all, shouldn’t we know how to take care of ourselves?

Let’s face it, when it comes to your health & wellness, it’s a lot to manage. We have doctors for when things go horribly wrong, but what about support to prevent those big problems in the first place? What if I told you we actually have the answers to many of your health & wellness questions that are best addressed by a wellness coach?

At Equestrian Wellness, we’re all about providing nutrition and lifestyle solutions that address your health & wellness challenges. We’re here to make it easy for you.

Our focus is about bringing ease to your life with alternative options that are simple to integrate into your daily routine. We can also help with your long-term goals and objectives. What does that mean exactly? I’m talking about upgrading the food you shop for and how to turn it into healthful meals; learning about the ‘best’ products to support your lifestyle; embracing the self-care that’s so necessary yet often missing from our routines; understanding the supplements that can give you that competitive edge; and offering any other advice you’re seeking to help you discover your best self!
Here’s an example of some of the questions I’ve been answering from many of you:
  • What should I be eating and should I be following a particular diet? (ie, paleo, keto, vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, intermittent fasting, OMG!)

  • When should I be eating and how much?

  • What should I be eating / drinking to maximize my training rides and on show days?

  • What are some quick meal ideas for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks?

  • What supplements are best for my personal health situation?

  • I feel exhausted…what can I do to boost my energy?

  • How do I deal with all these aches and pains?

  • How can I get my digestive system working properly?

  • What protein powders should I be taking and how do I use it?

  • I’m exhausted and I still can’t sleep…how do I stop the sleeplessness cycle?

  • I’m easily distracted and can’t focus in or out of the ring…any suggestions?

  • How do I live in the moment when I have so much to accomplish and organize?

  • I’m feeling stressed out, anxious and disconnected from what’s important. What are a few things I can do to get past this rut?

What are your wellness questions? Are you on a journey that is serving you or have you ignored taking care of yourself? Are you afraid to ask for help? Please don’t be.

 Original Content dated September 27, 2018 by Equestrian Wellness


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